Gratitude Tortiere & Crossroads
Merry Christmas. I’m writing to you today about gratitude, tortiere & crossroads.
Manfred and I hope you enjoy the holiday season with a joyful combination of friends, family and quiet solitude.
I can’t remember last year’s Christmas Day. I think we just stayed at home in a blur of dismay. Curled up in our living room wondering what to do next.
It was Christmas Eve morning last year, that we awoke to find that our farm’s implement shed had burned to the ground unnoticed the night before. Remember the blizzard that stranded people on the road or at home? Well, during that storm as we relaxed inside, a fire was gobbling up 40 years’ worth of repairing, acquiring, scrapping and hoarding farm equipment and tools.

This is the scene at our barn fire, Christmas Eve Day 2022
So, being grateful last Christmas was more challenging than most years.
But this year has been filled with a million little moments where people’s generosity, efficiency or kindness has made the act of rebuilding easier.
When tragedy visits your life, people step up. And, if you are lucky, they share the story of how they felt when the same thing happened to them. You see that they have carried on. They have found a way to rebuild.
It is a gift to see and hear this.
So, I would like to send this out to people who may face a heart break this season or next: find strength in the people who reach out to you. You will be surprised who they are, but accept their generosity and kindness like a sponge. It doesn’t change anything, but eventually, it will help.
Hoping you have many things to be grateful for this season, whether they are memories or hopes for the future.
P.S. Thank you to the many people who kept the Christmas Spirit alive all year. I hope you live a life full of gratitude, tortiere & crossroads.