Round Water

The Round Water These stories are not mine to tell, They belong to old men. Men who were once strong, and handsome And who kept their cigarette packs rolled up in their T-shirt sleeves. Men who water-skied, And drank whiskey, And knew how to dance, Slow. They spent...

Meet Ollie – An August Delight

As most kids do, I looked forward to the summer months of my childhood.  The days of freedom, that grew into seasons spent in tobacco, bean or cucumber fields, still hold special memories for me.  Some of the best were centred around my cousins who along with their...

Monarch Butterflies & Milkweed

It’s that time for Monarch Butterflies and milkweed. This week, and I’m sure I’m not alone, I was struck by the coolness of the early mornings and one afternoon, the sky looked like a November storm.  Of course, this happens every summer but yet we...

Keeping Time with Nature

Manfred and I like to sit on our back porch. Morning, noon and night if we can.  We are fortunate that a few metres from the porch, our backyard descends into a large gully.  The creek, at the bottom has cut a wide wedge over the centuries as water has wound its way...

Barn Quilts Tell Our Stories

“What are those designs on barns?” That’s how the conversation usually starts when tourists travel through our rural area and notice the “Barn Quilts”.  And it is a talk we love to have. We have been involved in the Barn Quilt movement...