My Poor Heather

Scottish Heather Calluna vulgaris is one of those carefree plants that creates early Spring and Fall beauty. You can imagine the growing conditions this lovely little plant likes by it original home territory – The Scottish Moors.  In our area of southwestern...

Awakening in the Garden

The new growth of daffodils peaking out of the soil and the fledgling flowers of the Helleborus unfurling towards the sky are such clichés that I bear much pain to write about them.  But while they are overused seasonal metaphors there can be no denying that their...

Bittersweet of Autumn

The Bittersweet Season of Autumn Is there a more perfect plant than the American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) to symbolize autumn? This native North American vine spends the growing season twining its way through branches of trees and shrubs and along fences until...