Osage Oranges & Book New Year’s Eve

Osage Oranges & Book New Year’s Eve Sometimes when you look back it is interesting how things like osage oranges & book, new year’s even can combine to make an interesting story. When I had a landscaping business from 1999 to 2013, I visited many...

Gratitude Tortiere & Crossroads

Gratitude Tortiere & Crossroads Merry Christmas.  I’m writing to you today about gratitude, tortiere & crossroads. Manfred and I hope you enjoy the holiday season with a joyful combination of friends, family and quiet solitude. I can’t remember...

The New Adventure Begins

Note:  This Blog starts out gloomy, but has a happy ending.  The New Adventure Begins Spring 2020 has not unfurled the way we had anticipated.  It is now the end of May and we are just opening.  However, our business is not the same as we planned in March. Over the...